I'm middle software engineer from Belarus with a bit more then 4 years expirience. I live in Poland and work in company without exUSSR roots on B2B terms. My BRUTTO salary around 5000 USD +VAT per month. After taxes and social payment i have around 4500 USD. I love poland for this oppotunity. [censored - П. 4.1.2. Пользовательского соглашения — https://dev.by/pages/agreement]
I'm middle software engineer from Belarus with a bit more then 4 years expirience. I live in Poland and work in company without exUSSR roots on B2B terms. My BRUTTO salary around 5000 USD +VAT per month. After taxes and social payment i have around 4500 USD. I love poland for this oppotunity. [censored - П. 4.1.2. Пользовательского соглашения — https://dev.by/pages/agreement]